Pers Release Gathering KAFEGAMA

Makassar, 06 Juli 2019

Talkshow : “Merekatkan dan Memberdayakan KAFEGAMA untuk Pengembangan Ekonomi Wilayah”Pembicara :

  • Bambang Kusmiarso
  • Hendri Saparini, PhD
  • Toni Hajar

Potensi Sulawesi adalah potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi yg besar melalui Industry Agriculture yaitu Udang, Rumput Laut, Ikan, Cacao. Dibutuhkan policy direction wilayah Sulawesi Selatan utk mempertahakan dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan eksport agriculture secara signifikans, dari target 6.56% di 2019. Sehingga dapat mempertahankan rata2 pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulsel 7.58%.

Fungsi logistic mengambil porsi 24% dari GDP, sehingga connectivity di Indonesia Timur sebagai gerbang eksport agriculture ke Eropa, Australia, dan IBT. Posisi Makssar sangat tepat sebagai hub dari Indonesia Timur menuju Jawa – Bali – Sumatra. Sehingga diperlukan pembangunan port baru di Makassar terintegrasi antara pelabuhan, pergudangan, perindustrian, infrastructure dan KEK. Pembangunan yg dibutuhkan diantaranya adalah kereta api Makassar – Parepare, utk membawa komoditas beras 3 juta ton/tahun, pembangunan port baru, pembangunan jalan2 baru.

Solusi strategis dan komprehensif adalah fungsi sinergitas antar alumni FE UGM utk mendorong perekonomian efektif. Diantaranya solusi specific sesuai dengan local contents. Solusi kontributif dari kafegama utk melakukan pembangunan efektif di infrastructure. Diantaranya : Tourisms, Education

The 25th Years Alumni Reunion of KAFEGAMA 1993



On Saturday, 1st September 2018 at 19.00 WIB, there is an unfamiliar voice at Plaza FEB UGM, a small talk of KAFEGAMA 1993 (Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Economics Almuni Community). Those who had not meet for 25 years, sharing a smiles and stories under the sky of Yogyakarta. An Angkringan cart, with nasi kucing and ginger milk, were served to accompany their chitchat. The event was also enliven by a singer with a band.

The reunion was initiated by Kafegama 1993, they needed 25 years to realize it. The chairman of reunion committee is Fadjar Dwi Wisnhuwardhani. The reunion had the purpose of keep stay in touch between class of 1993, to be a place to share their experiences from the period of after their graduation until present time and also as a mood booster for them whose have busy life in their workplace. “Also we want to share about our careers experience to FEB UGM. We want to have better relationship with FEB UGM”, said Fadjar.

The reunion began with Sharing Session with FEB’s students on Friday, 31 August 2018 at 3.30 WIB, in 3 locations at Auditorium Djarum Hall (Management student), Audiovisual room (Accounting student) and Kertanegara room (Economics student). All students, gladly, have a great enthusiasm for this sharing session. And the next agenda is Napak Tilas or touring campus, on Saturday, 1 Setpember at 07.00 WIB, this tour was start from Bunderan Boulevard UGM, to Graha Sabha Pramana UGM, and for the last they visited Balairung UGM. As the peak of this reunion agenda, they held dinner and casual talk at Plaza FEB UGM, as mentioned above.

The last agenda of the reunion was having dinner and quality time between alumni by singing together, one of hits song titled Isabella was sang by alumni that night. Opening ceremony was started with one of alumni did a prayer and continued by speech delivery from the Chairman of Reunion Committee, Fadjar Dwi Wisnhuwardhani and Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, Ph.D. After the opening, it’s time for one of core agenda which is scholarship announcement for six FEB UGM students. Then, they played a flashback video and showed photos of Kafegama 1993, the laughter frequently accompanied them. Finally, the reunion night was closed with they sang a hit song, Kenangan.

Source : Andi Purnama Sari

Alumni Grand Reunion FE UGM Class of 81: Among Friends Meet Again Warmly



On Saturday, 8 August 2018 at 12.00 WIB in the Hallway of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM, there was noise that was not from students, not as usual. This time came from a different source. The faces, which showed that they had gone through various phases of life, were sitting at several round tables and listening to the Master of Ceremony. Old songs from the keyboard played softly and the participants were asked to mention the title and singer of them. Apparently, Alumni Grand Reunion FE UGM Class of 81 event was underwaying.

The event among former university students turned out to happen again after 37 years. Aful Basri who became Chairman of the Grand Reunion Committee initially took the initiative with other friends because he saw the interest of alumni to meet very high. A small meeting was held to discuss the time, location, and event. As a result, the reunion began on Friday (17/8) night with activities which were having a dinner together and had a casual chat at Malioboro. Campus tour also enlivened the event in the next day. Walking from Gadjah Mada University Club (UC) UGM Hotel to Balairung UGM reminded alumni of their journey as students many years ago. “Earlier we also went to the new Learning Center Building of FEB UGM and all of us was amazed because now FEB was so much more advanced. We were very moved and proud, especially the AACSB international accreditation which has been successfully achieved by the faculty, “said Ridwan Nurazi who is now the Rector of the Universitas Bengkulu.

After touring, the next agenda was directly taken by lecturers who had ever taught alumni. Some of them were Arief Suadi, Abdul Halim, Basu Swasta, Suad Husnan, L. Suparwoto, Ibnu Subiyanto, Andreas Budi, Hardo Basuki and Zaki Baridwan. They testified when teaching students in class of 81. The laughter frequently accompanied the story of the teachers. Then, the event was continued with lunch and entertainment. On the sidelines of the entertainment, all alumni danced Gemu Famire at Plaza FEB UGM. That night, the art performance and exchange-gift were held which marked the culmination of reunion.

The purpose of holding Alumni Grand Reunion FEB UGM Class of 1981 was to remind that each alumni has owned their respectively professions, but before they were fellow students in this campus. “Therefore, I hope our relationship is closely tied to an unlimited time according to our theme, ‘Kekancan Sak Lawase’. In addition, hopefully FEB continues to be better and its students are able to bring UGM’s good name to the international world “said Aful Basri.

Source: Santini Dewi Putri

Alumni Family of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) Conducted 2nd National Conference



Alumni Family of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) conducted the 2nd National Conference (Munas) on Saturday, July 7th, 2018. The national conference was held on the lobby learning center building of FEB UGM and it was attended by hundreds of alumni from various years and study programs. The purpose of the conference was also to maintain rapport between alumni, Munas II was carried to elect KAFEGAMA committee members for the period 2018-2022.

The event started at 9 am and opened by welcoming speech from Prof. Dr. Eduardus Tandelilin, as the head of Munas II KAFEGAMA. After that, the second speech was delivered by the Dean of FEB UGM, Dr. Eko Suwardi. He thanked all alumni who were willing to take their time to be present at FEB UGM.

The event continued with the presentation of accountability report by KAFEGAMA committees period 2015-2018 consists of Sapto Amal Damandari (Chairman of KAFEGAMA 2015-2018), Anggito Abimanyu (General Secretary of KAFEGAMA 2015-2018), and Wisnuntoro (General Treasurer of KAFEGAMA 2015-2018). On the occasion, Anggito explained a series of activities that KAFEGAMA had done on 2015-2018. Activities undertaken including actively participate in seminars held by FEB UGM, soft skill training for students, a book publishing, charity, and others.

After the accountability report presentation, the selected KAFEGAMA committees for 2018-2022 period was officially announced. Based on the results of the meeting, Perry Warjiyo, who also serves as the Governor of Bank Indonesia for period 2018-2023, was elected as Chairman of KAFEGAMA period 2018-2022, replacing Sapto Amal Damandari. In addition, Frederica Widyasari Dewi was elected as General Secretary and Bob T. Ananta as the new General Treasurer of KAFEGAMA.

Source : Ulayya Gempur Tirani

FEB UGM alumni from NTB formed KAFEGAMA Branch NTB



The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has produced more than 24,000 alumni from undergraduate, master and doctoral programs. Alumni FEB UGM who are spread evenly in 33 provinces in Indonesia and abroad, have worked in various fields, most of which work as bureaucrats, teaching staff, and other fields.

Given a large number of alumni with high quality, certainly, many positive potentials can be developed through a strong bond between alumni, including the contribution of ideas for the FEB UGM alumni in providing educational facilities and improving the quality of the science teaching. In addition to contributing to the alma mater, it is also expected that active communication between alumni may create a mutually beneficial networking potential for the alumni themselves. Currently, the communication with alumni is still one way so that the faculty seems to contact alumni when they need it.

Furthermore, FEB UGM needs the right place to communicate with all alumni so that information about the faculty and alumni can be well accommodated. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a regional-based alumni meeting which serves as a place for alumni to exchange information and conduct activities and become a bridge between alumni, faculty and student. Responding to this matter, the alumni of the FEB UGM who came from NTB welcomed the activity by forming Kafegama NTB. Based on the results of the deliberation, Dra. Hj. Putu Selly Handayani, M.Si was elected as general chairman of Kafegama NTB.

The alumni meeting agenda began with a discussion on the topic of making the village into the centre of economic growth as well as pointing out the assisted villages in Sukarara Village, Jonggat District, Central Lombok. Five villages were selected for the pilot project, including Sukarara Village, Lingsar Village, Bayan Village, Kembang Kuning Village and Banjar Village. The event was attended by the Dean and Vice Dean of FEB UGM as well as Kafegama Center representatives. The discussion was led by Supiandi, SE., M.Ec. Dev. as daily chairman of the Kafegama NTB. The next event was the alumni meeting and the inauguration of the Kafegama NTB management at Lombok Raya Hotel, attended by alumni FEB UGM from NTB (Lombok and Sumbawa Islands).

Kafegama NTB Management: General Chairman: Dra. Hj. Putu Selly Andayani, M. Si, Daily Chairman: Supiandi, SE., M.Ec. Dev. Secretary 1: Dr. Muhammad Ali, Msi, Secretary 2: Dr. Dedy Heriwibowo, S.Si, M.Sc., Treasurer: Ir. Ary Purwantini, M.Sc, Treasurer 2: Ary Wahyuni, M.Ec.Dev. Some programs that have been compiled include forming a built village, Alumni Data Collection, Bimbel Preparing to enter UGM, and encouraging UGM students to do KKN in NTB.

Source: Supiandi